Practical experience fusioned with theoretical understanding forms complete education. Mettle presents you a plethora of workshops on different emerging and established technologies which help to gain a complete know how of engineering principles.

Get a chance to learn from industry experts at Mettle's workshops - buy your tickets now and Grab a Spot!

3D Printing
Metallic 3D printing is a revolutionary technology which produces functional components layer by layer using 3D - CAD data as the input. Many strategic applications are done using metallic 3d printing. RapidDMLS is an expert at manufacturing complex parts for aircraft and automotive applications. Do you want to know how it's done? Do apply for the metallic 3D printing workshop happening on 27th January!!!!

INR 200

Date: 27th Jan
Time: 2PM-4PM
Venue: A02 Hall

Material Informatics
To understand, use, select, develop, and discovering materials we used traditional methods now lets embrace technology into the traditional methods and combine the knowledge to increase the outcome and accuracy of processes. The data being collected through the substrata from Material Informatics is what we are going to see.

INR 175 (Workshop) + INR 100 (Hackathon)

Date: 28th Jan
Time: 2PM-4PM
Venue: Orion G1/G2

Non Destructive Testing
It is no more a mystery that we have innovation leaking somewhere down in each circle of life. Consider a gadget, for example, a cell phone, where you need to check the gadget for every one of the imperfections and habits. How protected is the gadget? What are the measures one has to watch while taking care of it? How might you distinguish any shortcomings in the gadget? Answers to these questions can be explained by Non-Destructive Testing Methods which became an in-demand career option in today's economy.

INR 200

Date: 29th Jan
Time: 2PM-4PM
Venue: A02 Hall

The portmanteau of the word hacker that brings computer programmers together in a realm to live the dream of a high tech professional coder. Providing you with an opportunity learn and apply a combination of data analytic skills and tackle various industrial and research problem statements from your mentors and peers.

INR 100

Date: 29th Jan
Time: 2PM-4PM
Venue: A02 Hall

Hey! Hold up
We still have something special for you

3D Printing by CAMA + Non Destructive Testing + Material Informatics (With Hackathon)

INR 675 INR 600

3D Printing by CAMA + Non Destructive Testing + Material Informatics (Without Hackathon)

INR 575 INR 520

3D Printing by CAMA + Material Informatics (With Hackathon)

INR 475 INR 450

3D Printing by CAMA + Material Informatics (Without Hackathon)

INR 375 INR 350

3D Printing by CAMA + Non-Destructive Testing

INR 400 INR 350